Women’s Institute News: April 2024

Our meeting in April 2024 was a very sad occasion. After 97 (yes 97) years our W.I. has had to be suspended. This is due to a lack of new members, despite leaflet drops, articles in the local magazines, recruitment stalls outside Lily’s Lavender Hut and the sheep fair, floral displays on the green and window displays in our local Nisa, we couldn’t have done more. The current membership has run out of steam and couldn’t take up any of the officer posts or sit on the committee. We were congratulated by the W.I. advisor on keeping it going for 97 years due in no small part to the presidents, secretaries and treasurers past and present, staying in their positions far longer than they had envisaged. The members are truly grateful for all their endeavours on our behalf.

One thing that will not change are friendships made within the Corby Glen and District W.I., these are enduring and long may they be so.
